Interest in MIT training continues

Interest in MIT training continues

How can third-country nationals with the prospect of staying in Germany better participate in social and political life and get involved? For active participation, it is important to know how a society functions. The MIT training programme has provided a convincing...
MIT 2.0 in preparation

MIT 2.0 in preparation

After the successful completion of the first MIT project, a continuation is planned: MIT 2.0 is to transfer the educational offer of MIT 1.0 into the digital world. A revision and updating of the MIT modules and their implementation as online modules are planned. At...
MIT Practical Phase

MIT Practical Phase

After successful completion of the MIT training, the MIT practical phase will begin for the more than 40 MIT participants in February 2022. During the practical phase, the MIT trainees can try out their acquired knowledge and experience in everyday life and come up...
The MIT „Sneaker Hunt“

The MIT „Sneaker Hunt“

We all own shoes. Many of us sneakers, also called „sneakers“. A new pair of sneakers is quickly bought, worn out sneakers are quickly disposed of. Many manufacturers tout the sustainability of their products and that everything is disposed of and recycled...
After summer MIT-Kick-Off

After summer MIT-Kick-Off

Following the successful completion of the MIT training, „the serious side of life“ now begins for around 30 participants in the third phase of the project. They will be accompanied by mentors to association meetings, take part in debates in district...