How can third-country nationals with the prospect of staying in Germany better participate in social and political life and get involved? For active participation, it is important to know how a society functions. The MIT training programme has provided a convincing concept for this. Numerous participants of the MIT trainings are now active in socio-political and civil society.
INTEGRA regularly receives enquiries as to whether further MIT trainings can be offered or whether the content is available digitally. Digital offerings would allow third-country nationals to do parts of the modules as a self-learning course supplemented by face-to-face trainings.
With the follow-up project MIT 2.0, INTEGRA plans to transfer MIT into the digital world. The application is currently still in the review phase. Independently of this, parts of the MIT modules are actively used in training courses by INTEGRA and municipal providers in the Stuttgart region and integrated into existing course offerings. However, there is also demand for complete MIT trainings, for which the financing of the trainers must be clarified.