MIT project description

MIT – Mitbestimmen, Initiieren, Teilhaben
MIT – Participate, Initiate, Be part of it!



Migrants as decision-makers


MIT directly and indirectly supports the integration of third-country nationals by promoting social cohesion at local, local and regional levels.

The focus is on the development of measures and instruments to improve the participation of third-country nationals in political and civil society decision-making processes to promote the integration of third-country nationals with the involvement of all relevant social actors.

MIT develops and tests a training and structure program for this. The aim is to improve the participation and representation of third-country nationals and immigrants in general in local, regional and regional decision-making processes.

Decisions on measures to promote integration at local and regional level are made at the local level, i.e. at the level of local government, in committees, committees, councils and advisory boards. Third-country nationals are not or very rarely represented on these committees, and if so, they are represented by chance. Third-country nationals lack knowledge of the functioning and role of local and civil society decision-making processes at the local and regional level in Germany.

MIT would like to expand the role and function and thus the participation of third-country nationals and their organizations and interest groups on the basis of the opportunities for participation in municipal decision-making processes as well as opinion-forming and decision-making processes at clubs and associations in Filderstadt and the region. In the committees, councils, associations or clubs there are „godparents“ in the sense of mentors or supervisors who, after the MIT training program, assist third-country nationals and related migrant organizations as companions during the pilot phase and provide guidance and help in the specific and give practical participation.

MIT is independent from the local political side, non-partisan, not tied to any denomination, but works together with all structures active at local level in Filderstadt.




5 + 12 =

Alle Felder mit einem * müssen ausgefüllt werden

* Ich habe die Datenschutzerklärung zur Kenntnis genommen. Ich stimme zu, dass meine Angaben zur Beantwortung meiner Anfrage und für Anschlussfragen elektronisch erhoben und gespeichert werden. Diese Daten werden nicht ohne meine Einwilligung weitergegeben. Ich kann meine Einwilligung jederzeit widerrufen. 


0711 907743-75


0711 907743-95



INTEGRA Filder e. V.
Schulstr. 3
D-70794 Filderstadt


Mo - Fr: 10 - 17 Uhr

MIT ist ein Projekt von: INTEGRA Filder e. V.

Unsere Förderer und Partnerorganisationen