Information on the MIT project is also an active element in courses of German as a foreign language offered by INTEGRA. Participating women acquire specific vocabulary which focus on NGOs, associations and committees.
A group of women with 6 to 7 participants from third countries takes a German course twice a week offered by INTEGRA. This helps that immigrants can get to know the MIT project and be motivated to actively participate in committee work.
You are interested in the project and would like to take part in the training to gain initial experience and work directly on the project after the training?
Es wird alles ausführlich erklärt.Sie lernen gemeinsam die neuen Vokabeln mündlich und schriflich.
Everything is explained in detail with pictures and videos so that you can better understand what it’s all about.
The regular meetings create a strong bond with MIT and the women, many from third countries. They are looking forward to their first contacts with clubs and groups.